Demonstration for the feminist fight day

8. März 2024 | 15:00

“Our anger is our strength — fight fem­i­nist now!”

We will take this anger to the streets again on March 8, 2024.
We are angry about the unpaid care and domes­tic work we do, about wage
diƯer­ences, about fem­i­ni­cides, mur­ders of FLINTA* that are pre­sent­ed as rela­tion­ship
dra­ma. We are angry about vio­lence against us and our friends world­wide. We are angry about
restric­tive leg­is­la­tion about our bod­ies and norms that deny our iden­ti­ties. We are angry about
aus­ter­i­ty poli­cies in the edu­ca­tion, health, and social sec­tors. We are angry about role mod­els,
beau­ty ideals and social expec­ta­tions that oppress us, sex­u­al­ize us, and make us invis­i­ble. We
are angry that we and our friends are suƯer­ing more from the cli­mate cri­sis, iso­la­tion­ist
poli­cies, pover­ty in old age and wars. We want a good life for every­one, where we can be who we are. We
are fight­ing for a soci­ety based on sol­i­dar­i­ty in which we col­lec­tive­ly take care of each
oth­er. A soci­ety with­out exploita­tion of peo­ple and nature; a soci­ety that is ori­ent­ed towards
needs and require­ments and not prof­it. We fight for our spaces and our safe­ty. We fight for our
voic­es to be heard and for us to be believed. We fight hand in hand with our friends world­wide.
Togeth­er we stand up and rebel against patri­ar­chal dom­i­na­tion.

Let’s unite to stand up against the cap­i­tal­ist iso­la­tion, war and cri­sis
and show that we are many! Come to the demon­stra­tion on March 8, start­ing at 3 pm at Holz­markt. The
demon­stra­tion will include a FLINTA*-only block and a more relaxed fam­i­ly block with
We look for­ward to see­ing you! See you on the streets!
FLINTA* stands for women, les­bians, inter‑, non-bina­ry, and trans


8. März 2024    








8.März Bünd­nis