Gewerkschaftskino: With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women’s Emergency Brigade

5. März 2020 | 20:00–21:30

Im Vor­feld des Frauen*Kampftag zeigt die FAU Jena die Doku­men­ta­tion “With Babies and Ban­ners: Sto­ry of the Women’s Emer­gency Brigade” (USA, 1979, O‑Ton, 45min)

Wikipedia: “With Babies and Ban­ners: Sto­ry of the Women’s Emer­gency Brigade is a 1979 doc­u­men­tary film direct­ed by Lor­raine Gray about the Gen­er­al Motors sit-down strike in 1936–1937 that focus­es unique­ly on the role of women using archival footage and inter­views. It pro­vides an inside look at women’s roles in the strike. It was nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award for Best Doc­u­men­tary.

The film was one of the first to put togeth­er archival footage with con­tem­po­rary inter­views of par­tic­i­pants and helped spur a series of films on left and labor his­to­ry in the US uti­liz­ing this tech­nique. The film was also impor­tant in help­ing bring into view the his­to­ry of Amer­i­can women being active in the pub­lic sphere, par­tic­u­lar­ly in union and labor actions. The film was, fur­ther, ground break­ing because it was pro­duced and direct­ed by women.”

Der Film wird im Rah­men ein­er Ver­anstal­tungsrei­he vom Biko am 2. April auch in Erfurt gezeigt:


5. März 2020    




FAU Gew­erkschaft­slokal Mil­ly Witkop
Bach­straße 22

