The VOICE 25th Anniversary of Refugee Struggle in Germany

5. Dezember 2019 – 7. Dezember 2019 | 0:00–23:59

Make your Fly­er — The VOICE 25th Anniver­sary of refugee strug­gle in Ger­many! Mobi­lize and Come to Jena.
We invite you to join us in cel­e­brat­ing our 25th anniver­sary!

Call to par­tic­i­pate in the prepa­ra­tion of the 25th anniver­sary and call for par­tic­i­pa­tion in the cel­e­bra­tion on the 6th and 7th of Decem­ber 2019 in Jena

You are part of this his­to­ry — A quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry since the break-up of iso­la­tion
25. The VOICE Refugee Forum Sil­ver Jubilee Anniver­sary, 1994 – 2019
Found­ed in Mühlhausen and Estab­lished in Jena / Thuerin­gen

The VOICE Refugee Forum for a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry is still at the fore­front of dig­ni­ty and self-deter­mi­na­tion, car­ry­ing a heavy bur­den of a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry — because many have been relieved of their jour­ney — many have been able to find their place, a heavy bur­den must be placed on the ground so as not to lose them­selves as a source for the next Refugee­Black­Box.

Break­ing the Cul­ture of Depor­ta­tion — Depor­ta­tion is the last ring of the slav­ery chain | Refugee­Black­Box — Sol­i­dar­i­ty (Ini­ti­at­ed in 2017)

You are part of this his­to­ry as you are part of the future, do not for­get your­self and nei­ther the one who needs sup­port in his strug­gle.

How to con­tribute: Con­tribute to The VOICE’s jubilee, choose and send a pho­to on The VOICE for the pub­lic exhi­bi­tion, con­tribute to the Refugee­Black­Box. Refugee and migrants’ activists and asy­lum seek­er activists are invit­ed and every­one is wel­come to give a few words about their expe­ri­ences and their tes­ti­monies in the box. We have all it takes for peo­ples’ new world order of sol­i­dar­i­ty with the refugee!
Every refugee is the sto­ry of Refugee­Black­Box-instal­la­tion, it is also a cer­tain pow­er of knowl­edge and the wis­dom to find your fight; to empow­er your pres­ence and your issues in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the refugee strug­gles and move­ments.

Stop depor­ta­tion! Defend the Refugee­Black­Box Sol­i­dar­i­ty, your silence is killing!
Each Depor­ta­tion stop pulls down the mask, that cov­ers the human face!
The fight against depor­ta­tion and iso­la­tion has always been in the cen­ter of The VOICE‘s polit­i­cal activism. Fight­ing depor­ta­tion means fight­ing against nation­al­ism, white suprema­cy, and colo­nial racist injus­tice!

Next step:
Arrival on Thurs­day 5 Decem­ber 2019
Starts on Fri­day, Decem­ber 6, 2019 at 10:00 am: Video instal­la­tion “RBB” in the Holz­Markt Jena:
— The VOICE Sym­po­sium on refugee grass­roots com­mu­ni­ty “Assem­bly” in Ger­many
— Fight­Back! Dis­rupt, dis­obey and organ­ise against the reg­u­lat­ed Dublin-depor­ta­tions of refugees from Ger­many!
Sat­ur­day, 7 Decem­ber 2019: Pre­sen­ta­tion | Refugee­Black­Box Parade | Music | Gyra­tion and Per­for­mance

There will be a Refugee­Black­Box parade against the depor­ta­tion crimes and against the colo­nial racism of Europe on 7th Sat­ur­day, Decem­ber 2019. Call­ing for decen­tral­ized Refugee­Black­Box instal­la­tion or info event before in the run-up of the Decem­ber events.

The VOICE Refugee Forum Ger­many
Jena: Tel.: + 49 (0) 176 24568988 (What­sapp), E- mail:
Berlin: Handy :+49 (0)170/8788124 (What­sapp), E- mail:


5. Dezem­ber 2019 – 7. Dezem­ber 2019    




