Women’s Rights: Inequality of Opportunities, Responsibilities

23. Februar 2015 | 18:00

Ver­anstal­tung find­et in englis­ch­er Sprache statt!

mit Gul­naz Anjum

This talk will high­light the daunt­ing issue of gen­der based inequal­i­ty and dis­crim­i­na­tion that still pre­vails around us. In devel­op­ing coun­tries sit­u­a­tion of women’s rights is worse off but inequal­i­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties and respon­si­bil­i­ties in the devel­oped world needs to be rec­og­nized as well. This talk will spe­cial­ly focus on cross cul­tur­al, psy­cho­log­i­cal and inter­na­tion­al law per­spec­tive on women’s rights. Talk will be con­clud­ed with some pol­i­cy and inter­na­tion­al law rec­om­men­da­tions for prop­a­gat­ing women’s rights and rel­e­vant inter­na­tion­al treaties. Com­ments, ques­tions and dis­cus­sion will fol­low. Depend­ing upon time we may include some per­son­al expe­ri­ences of speak­er while grow­ing up as a women in Pak­istan, hold­ing mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties, fac­ing fears and chal­lenges on her jour­ney of claim­ing equal rights.


23. Feb­ru­ar 2015    





Hör­saal 8

Cam­pus, Uni Jena

